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Ch. Winfree's Cajun Romance
(Ch. Portrait Ivywood Midnight Sun x
Winfree's Summertime Blues)

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Photo by Miguel 804-779-7555
www.InfocusbyMiguel.com |

Meet Winfree's newest champion and
Linda's first homebred champion!!!! At the Maryland Sporting Dog
Association show on March 5, 2006, at the Charles County Fairgrounds in
LaPlata, Kimmie went Winners Bitch and Best of Opposite Sex (over some
specials, I might add!!) for her final major—a 4-point major, at
that!!! The judge was Mr. Michael Faulkner. Then to top off what was
an already stupendous day, Kimmie went BEST BRED BY EXHIBITOR IN
SHOW!!!!!!!!! Judge Manuel Queijerio gave us this awesome win!!!
Our thanks go to judges Faulkner and Queijerio. I'm so proud of
Kimmie and proud to have her as part of Winfree. Linda's still in


Linda is so excited!! Kimmie has
her first point at her first show on the first day of the 2005
Tarheel Cluster shows in Raleigh, NC. She went Winners Bitch>Best of
Opposite Sex under Judge Jon Cole. The Danville Kennel Club sponsored
the show held on March 22nd. Keep watching. 

Kimmie has her second point!!!
On April 10, 2005 at the Chesapeake Kennel Club of Maryland show, she went
Winners Bitch under Judge Robert Smith. This show was held at the
Calvert County Fairgrounds in Prince Frederick, MD. Just so happened
that the 10th was Linda's birthday!!! What a nice birthday
 Chesapeake VA Dog Fanciers two-day
shows proved to be winners for Kimmie. She went Winners Bitch each
day--April 30 and May 1, 2005--picking up a point each day. Her
point total is now four. Our thanks go to Saturday's judge Ms.
Marjorie Martorella and Sunday's judge Mrs. Judy A. Doniere. |

wowed us this weekend in Richmond and earned 4 more points in the process.
On June 25, 2005 at the Virginia Kennel Club show and showing to Breeder
Judge Mrs. Anne Rogers Clark, Kimmie went Winners Bitch>Best of Winners for
two points. The next day (also a Virginia Kennel Club show),
Kimmie went Winners Bitch>Best of Winners>Best of Opposite Sex under Judge
Mrs. Dorothy Hutchinson for a two-point win. This brings
Kimmie's point total to eight. Our thanks to the judges.
Kimmie's just nine months old now and improves each time she enters the
ring. Stay tuned!!!!

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It was another WOW weekend for Kimmie!!!
On August 12, 2005 at the first of the The Keystone Cluster shows in
Harrisburg, PA, Kimmie went Winners Bitch for 2 points. The
judge was Mr. Manuelo Queijeiro and the host club was Penn Ridge Kennel
Club. The next day, showing to Judge Susan Riese, she went Winners
Bitch again. This time, however, it garnered her a 4-point major!!!!!
Host club again was Penn Ridge Kennel Club. This brings Kimmie's
point total to 14, including one major. WOW!!! Linda is
still on cloud nine floating somewhere over Raleigh!!!! Our thanks to
the judges and the host clubs.

Kimmie's info:
Date of Birth: September 17, 2004
Sire: Ch. Portrait Ivywood Midnight Sun
Dam: Winfree's Summertime Blues
Owners: Linda Blalock and Lisa Ross
BAER: Normal
OptiGen: Normal/Clear (A)
