"Forgotten Gates"
Thomas R. Burchoko |

Farm and Outbuildings |
Generally considered to be the second oldest house in
Gates County, this impressive complex of residence, dairy, and smokehouse
enjoys a commanding view of a superbly isolated site that evokes the
agragrian character of the landscape when the house was first built.
The original portion of the 1 1/2-story gambrel roofed house, the western
three bays, is a former side-hall plan house dating from the third quarter
of the 18th century, between 1750 and 1775. This is determined by the
rounded long sills and English bond brick base of the double-shoulder 7:1
common bond brick chimney. The gambrel roof house was a popular house
type during the late 18th century, with this being the oldest of four such
structures in Gates County and one of the oldest of the approximately twelve
examples in Gates, Chowan, Perquimans, and Pasquotank counties. Like
the Thomas B. Riddick House, its steeply pitched second story wall is
covered with imbricated shingles and pierced by simple shed dormers. |
Early in the 1800s, this side-hall plan house
was expanded by the addition of a parlor on the east, resulting in the
present center -hall plan. Remaining interior elements suggest a
superb Federal style finish. Later in the 1840s, the interior was
entirely reworked with Greek Revival details, including the truncation in
size of the cir. 1800 Federal mantel, the modification of the door surrounds
into flattened Greek Revival profiles, and the replacement of the colonial
mantels with austere Greek Revival ones. The original colonial parlor
even received pilaster-enframed aprons beneath the windows.
Fortunately, the enclosed stair and most of the raised six-panel doors
remain unaltered. The upper story consists of two large bedrooms and
one small unheated room. The full-width shed roof porch dates from the
early 19th century expansion as does the rear tow-room, ell, which contains
a simple paneled mantel. The smokehouse and dairy
are among the county's architectural treasurers, being contemporary with the
earliest section of the house. Rarely do outbuildings survive from the
1700s, and so a pair of structures dating from between 1750 and 1775 are
exceptional remnants of early architecturally distinctive support buildings
in North Carolina. The attenuated smokehouse has graceful proportions,
flush sheathing boards with feathered edges, and closely spaced mortise-and-tenon
studs for security. The dairy displays a ventilator pattern of
exquisitely intricate wave pattern slats, resulting in a hypnotic sequence
of solids and voids. Its over-sized gable roof provides ample cornice
overhang to shade the ventilators. It also is sheathed with flush
boards, but apparently not feather-edged. Rose head nails are evident
on the front and sides.
The house's early history is as yet not proven, but every
indication suggests that the earliest house was built for Isaac Pipkin (cir.
1734-1815), who served as one of the three original justices when Gates
County was organized in 1779. It was perhaps built after his marriage
cir. 1760, to Charity Goodman (cir. 1734-1815). The farm was then
inherited through the generations. The house was perhaps enlarged soon
after the 1807 marriage of the Pipkin's granddaughter, Charity Lee
(1790-1868) to William Goodman (1782-1841); the Goodmans also undertook the
house's Greek Revival remodiling. It was later inherited by their son,
Jethro Darden Goodman (1812-1882), who lived nearby on the Goodman-Smith
Farm while his sister, Edith Goodman Creecy Howell, the wife of the Rev.
Edward Howell of Piney-Grove-Reynoldson Baptist Church, resided here.
Upon Jethro D. Goodman's death, the farm was acquired by his daughter,
Elizabeth Goodman Edwards (1831-1923), until their deaths. Their heirs
maintained the house as rental property until the 1960s. |
